About Me

  • Full Name:Frosina Stamatoska
  • Email:frosinastamatoska@gmail.com
  • Website:frosinas.github.io

I'm responsible, innovative and quality-minded software engineer with more than six years of professional work experience, focused on web development. I can offer you quality software solutions and put my best into everything that I do.

I'm always willing to learn new things and expand my knowledge with new promising technologies. My persistence and ambition for making the best solutions always pays off.

My Resume

  • Work Experience

  • Full Stack Software Engineer

    eVision Industry Software - November 2019 - Current


    - Working with React
    - Working with ES8
    - Using Git (command line)
    - Use of testing frameworks: Jest, Test Cafe
    - Working with .Net Core

  • Full Stack Software Engineer

    Symphony Solutions - August 2017 - October 2019


    - Working with PHP backend frameworks(Laravel, Symfony, etc..)
    - Working with Wordpress
    - Working with MySql, Redis
    - Working with Vanilla Javascript(Ecmascript 6, Design patterns),
    - Working with JS Frameworks(Vue.js, Angular (1, 2, 4), ReactJS+Redux...)
    - Using Git (command line)
    - Working with HTML5
    - Working with CSS3 (BEM)
    - Using Bootstrap
    - Using SASS (7-1 pattern)
    - Using Gulp, Webpack
    - Using Apache, Docker
    - Use of testing frameworks: PHPUnit, Karma, Jasmine
    - Creating application architecture (both frontend and backend)
    - Creating database structure

    Other responsibilities:
    - Conducting technical interviews
    - Giving open feedback to candidates
    - Review of test project exercises and giving feedback

  • Lecturer

    Brainster & Codepreneurs - May 2017 - May 2018
    Lecturer at Full-Stack Academy that includes:
    * Programming fundamentals, PHP, OOP, Laravel
    * HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap
    * Javascript, jQuery
    * Databases(MySql)
    * Git
    Position includes presentation and teaching about particular topic. Preparation of homework exercises. Doing workshops. Giving open feedback and instructions. Preparation of tests about the material and giving feedback to the students on what part they should pay most attention.
  • Full Stack Software Engineer

    Kinetiq Solutions - February 2016 - December 2016

    Team leader of a team of four people. Development of REST APis for mobile and web solutions. Building project architecture, database architecture and API design from scratch.
    Worked on multiple dashboards using Angular and REST APIs.

  • Lead Software Engineer

    GSIX - October 2015 - July 2017

    Responsible for leading projects and teams, organizing the work and the tasks. Responsible for leading interns, helping them in learning new things. Worked on multiple projects in a team which involved back-end and front-end work. Part of the work included building the business logic and APIs and also building the database schemas. Also was in charge of the front-end development with the help of multiple technologies.

  • Full Stack Software Engineer

    WHYOO E-business Solutions - August 2015 - October 2015

    Worked on CRM system which included back-end and front-end work. Built Notes Application as a part of this system where multiple users can edit content at the same time. Worked on a platform for ordering food online. Also worked on a platform for selling vehicles online.

  • Full Stack Developer Intern

    Cosmic Development - March 2015 - July 2015

    Built a system for employees. The system included managing employees, departments, projects, vacations and employees positions. Built an admin panel for managing the content of Macedonia2025 site. Also worked on project for the employees, so they can order food for the next week.

  • Education

  • Bachelors Degree

    Faculty of computer science and engineering - September 2011 - September 2015


Angular, React, Vue.js85%


  • Upshift is a digital platform which connects businesses and workers for on-demand labor through the mobile and web applications. Upshift charges businesses a fee after the successful completion of a shift. This success fee covers worker’s compensation insurance, unemployment insurance and employment taxes for every Upshifter.
  • TopYa! is a service and tool that players, coaches and parents use to help players develop skills and passion for sports and physical activities, to express and develop their creativity in these activities, to inspire others and be inspired by others through sharing their sport activity videos and achievements, and to encourage skill challenges with friends, teammates, members of their clubs, and other players throughout the world.
  • Grouper.mk is the leading eDeal platform in Macedonia delivering deals for up to 90% off the best stuff to do, see, eat, experience and buy in the country. Beside the services and products offered you can find the best travel deals for all over the world.
  • Implementation of Google places API for dynamically choosing places. Also implemented searching offers nearby some location. Implemented automatic acceptance of offers.
  • Marketer

    Notes Application that is a part from Marketer Project. User can create a note and make it public or he can make it secret and only share it with users or group of users. If note is public, then the note is displayed in every user "Shared notes". Users can have write and read permissions. If user has read permissions he can just see the editor with the written text. If user has write permissions he can edit the note. If multiple users write on the same note then the changes are immediately shown on the other users editors with colors for the particular user and his full name. Every user can see the pad history, every change is registered in the database. User can export the note in multiple formats(Text, HTML,..) and can import HTML and TEXT files. For the user that created the note on the details view for the note are shown users and groups that have permissions for accessing the note or sign that the note is public. For the editor is used Etherpad-lite real-time collaborative editor that is upgraded with my logic. Technologies used: Symfony 2, MongoDB, AngularJS, RequireJS, Bootstrap, Node.js.

  • Voziloo

    Application for searching and offering vehicles like a owner or company dealer. You can offer a car, motorcycle, truck or motorhome. Technologies used: Symfony2, MongoDB, AngularJS, Bootstrap

  • Food Order

    Laravel 5.1 application for ordering food at your workplace. Every user can create their profile, or the administrator can create it for them. In the backend, administrator can manage with the users, categories of food, food items and times of eating. The administrator can also view the tables of the orders for every user, can download the order table with amount of ordered items per day and time. The administrator can also calculate costs for the company for a certain period between two chosen dates. The user can make an order for the next week or some other week that follows if he is on vacation. The user can view the order he made for the current week. He can also view the next order and he can change it if he wants to.

  • Employees Portal

    Project for Cosmic Development departments and their employees. For every employee we have information about their work positions and work history, projects, holidays and other personal informations. There is also admin part for adding and editing employees, projects and departments. Every user can change their personal information, their working position, can add holidays to their holiday calendar and change their profile photo.

  • Java Spring + AngularJS project. Made as a project for the subject "Web programming" at FINKI. Web application primarily designed for students of this faculty. Something like Stack Overflow, but within our faculty. You can ask questions and give answers for other questions. You can like or dislike questions and answers. Every user can manage their questions in the "My questions" view. Administrator can delete questions and answers. You can add tags that are related to the question. There is also a part for uploading photos for the question. The photos and answers are shown in the "Question detail" view. There are questions that are solved and questions that are not solved. You can search for questions based on their title and tags. The part that is made in Java Spring is REST API for the questions and the details for them. For the API calls we used AngularJS as one of the most popular frameworks nowadays.

  • Simple PHP REST application in Zend Framework 2. Application for displaying news and writing comments about the links with the news. Also available rating news up and down.

  • Windows phone 7 application. Made as a project for the subject User interfaces. First you must rate movies so you can get movie suggestions based on your rating. You'll get list of movies and every movie has buttons + and - so you can rate it. From the suggested movies you can add movies to "Your watch list" and you can remove it from there. The movies source is http://docs.themoviedb.apiary.io/.

  • Team work project. Imagined like http://www.readerscircle.org and http://www.librarything.com/ for books and other educational materials primarily for Computer Science for students of FINKI, but also from other areas. Searching for books by category, author, title and tags. Detailed information about the books, giving rating, add to favorites. Suggestions of similar books by favorite books or by category. Leaving comments for books. Forum where you can open threads by category, subject and general topics. Quoting another user, sharing materials, links, etc.. The Administrator can ban users, lock threads, delete threads, delete comments. Users can view other user's profile, their personal information, profile picture, books the user commented on, their favorite books, the threads they opened. Books source is Google books API.

  • Android application for locating pharmacies based on current location. It can be used for selecting custom location and searching pharmacies there. You can get the pharmacies displayed in a list or on a map. For particular pharmacy, there are information about the name, the address, the city, the telephone number and location on map. You can directly call the chosen pharmacy by clicking the button Call. The source for the information is Foursquare API. (There is also a part for drugs and information about drugs, but unfortunately the source for the drugs is no longer available, but I hope that in the near future I will update it with some new and better information.)